May 30, 2019 - 2 min
Visit of the US Ambassador

Our headquarter oice in Zagreb was honored by the visit of the US Ambassador W. Robert Kohorst.

We talked about business operations, projects, plans for the future and the ambassador had the opportunity to meet our US clients who were on a business trip in Q at the moment.

Ambassador Kohorst’s interest in our business strategy and development was sparked by his own business roots. He wanted to know more of our plans for accessing the US market, broadening our reach and the challenges we face along the way.
The discussion also leads to the topic of a bilateral relationship between the two countries, the United States and Croatia. The motif is set on how can the US embassy additionally help Croatian companies in the States and American investors in Croatia.
On that occasion, our CEO, Filip Ljubic, said: “We are happy to have the opportunity to host US Ambassador Kohorst and to present him the projects we worked for the US market. Exchange of knowledge and experience is crucial because those who can aect laws must first hear what is going on in the field. That is why we were delighted to have him here and share our experience with the ambassador. “

In the United States Q is operating through Los Angeles and New York oices, and so far has successfully completed projects for leading US companies such as Coca-Cola, Facebook, Walmart, or United States Postal Services.
Last year, Q was also awarded the REBRAND 100® Global Award from New York together with US HP and Cadillac for brand excellence.
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