March 31, 2022 - 3 min
Q & Algebra: Strengthening the Bond

Putting our values into practice
When you scroll through the Q agency’s web page, you will inevitably stumble upon our core values, which we try to live by in our everyday interactions. One of the values, Be Kind, motivates us to support each other – in terms of professional development, this support often extends to exchanging know-how with other people.
Once again, we decided to welcome a group of students from the Algebra University College and present them with our work model. They were also accompanied by a group of students from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. For the American students, this was their first study tour in Croatia, and Algebra was their host. The visit to Q was organized as a part of their course titled “The Business of Croatia.”

Learning about Q: the business perspective
Following the initial photoshoot, students and their professors made a short tour around our HQ oice in Zagreb. Next, they had the opportunity to learn about Q’s Company profile thanks to a presentation led by Peter, our Key Account Manager.

He first illustrated the meaning behind our slogan, “Whatever the Q, we got the A.” Then he talked about recognitions that airm the quality of Q’s business, including the Clutch awards and the Deloitte Award for the fastest growing agency in Europe.
The main part of the presentation was analyzing Q’s business perspective: our services, collaboration models, and clients we work with. Apart from naming some of our most renowned clients, like The Times, BBC, and Facebook, Peter also described the projects we have done for these clients. As an agency, Q works with companies from dierent industries, ranging from the travel industry to fintech – Peter highlighted some similarities and dierences between their business requests, which proved to be quite insightful for our visitors.
After finishing the presentation, Peter had the opportunity to provide the As to students’ Qs, allowing them to further expand their knowledge about the scope of our work. Naturally, American students were particularly interested in Q’s strategy to position itself in the USA market. Who knows, maybe thanks to the interest sparked by this visit, it will be them who could soon help Q in this mission.
Marketing and Employer Branding – this is how we do it
Knowing the importance of social media among our Gen Z visitors, we chose to present Employer Branding activities at Q as the last activity of the day’s agenda. Our Marketing Associate, Marta, gave the overview.

After highlighting the goals behind our Employer Branding strategy, Marta talked about the importance of nurturing Personal Growth and Career Path, Community, Peer Relationships, Transparency, Employee Engagement, and Qulture. Some of these initiatives are also presented on our YouTube channel, so make sure to check them out.
Come back soon!
Even though the visit lasted for only one afternoon, the attendees expressed their delight over everything they’ve heard by giving out a big round of applause for Peter and Marta. This type of feedback undoubtedly demonstrates the importance of sharing knowledge with younger generations and motivates us to continue this type of collaboration.
We hope to have more of such opportunities soon, for which our doors are always open!
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