May 12, 2020 - 3 min
How to survive remote work?

Since the corona crisis hit us all, our responsibility was to change our working space from oice to home, but no matter how fun that may sound, this brings some diiculties. So here are a few tips and tricks by Q.
1. Decide on a workspace
If you already have a home oice, then you’re good. But, many of those who don’t; try to find a place for your laptop, monitor, etc., and let that be the ONLY place where you are working. A couch is very comfortable, but it is very easy to get too comfortable. Let the couch have it’s basic purpose — resting and watching TV after work.

2. Set your workday hours
Get up, take a sip of fresh coee or tea, and start organizing. Look at what you need to do and how many hours you need for all the daily tasks. The fact is that you need to set your own hours just as if you were in an oice.

3. Do get dressed and showered
Although it’s tempting to work in your p.j.’s or bathrobe, that is not sustainable. You have to switch into work mode even if you haven’t left the house and getting dressed is one way to do it. Let’s be honest, we work in an IT company, we are never too formal, but changing from pajamas to sweatpants is already enough, buddy.

4. Eat good
For those who think that you are what you eat, but work hours and work stress don’t give you enough time to prepare your yummy and healthy meals — this is your chance (presuming that you robbed the supermarkets on time. ;))

5. Taking breaks is important
You do need a proper break. I know you are at home, you are feeling comfy and you think that you don’t “deserve” a break. Leave your desk for lunch and take advantage of being at home to stay at home, because, well, at these times, we don’t have many options. 😉 Instead of going out for a walk (like we would do in normal times) eat your lunch and watch your favorite show.

6. Distractions, distractions, distractions
You may think that you don’t have any distractions because you are now at home, your safe & calm place (considering you don’t have kids). But, it is actually more possible you will be distracted in a familiar environment. When you feel too distracted, put a load of laundry, empty the dishwasher, or use the extra time to finally fix that thing your wife has been whining around for days — a change of scenery is all we need to give our brain a break.

7. Work hard
Cut yourself some slack and acknowledge the diiculty of the moment, but also, be responsible and mature. We are those who can help the economy, so not only do we have to stay at home, we have to stay at home and work hard!

Keep your mind busy and calm. 🙂
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