August 28, 2020 - 2 min
Q is in the Top 20 Companies in the world

We found ourselves on the list of TOP 20 Companies by Clutch! is an independent research platform based in Washington and is the current leader in the B2B review market, and Q has been part of the Clutch platform for more than two years now.
Clutch ranks all companies in 2 steps. First, they analyze the company’s services, client base, case studies, and media and social network presence. The second step is a call with clients. This way, Clutch makes sure they will provide personal and accurate reviews of the projects developed for clients. That’s why we are more than proud that Clutch recognized our dedication to what we do and ranked us in the Top 20 Companies in the world and #1 B2B Company in Croatia.

It’s not just about being valued with awards like this; it’s the backstory of doing what we love and doing it the best possible way. More than seven years of development experience, devoted work, and attention to detail show our results. We take great pride in all our employees, who give their best every day to deliver the most competent product to our clients.

Receiving recognition like this means a lot to us. To see our clients happy and satisfied with our solutions drives us to continue to strive for even greater things. We hope for many more moments like this one today.
So, whether you’re developing a new product, running an online business, building a startup from scratch, or only looking to expand your development team, we can help you grow globally.
That is why our motto is: “Whatever the Q, we got the A”.
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