July 8, 2019 - 2 min
Sketch&Design Meetup

t was a cloudy and rainy day, but the bravest of all joined us at Q for Sketch meetup where guys talked about motion design and seniority.

Talk #1
Zoran Pleško, CTO and co-founder of boutique IT agency Machinery shared with us what are the limitations of animations from a developer’s point of view and gave examples of how a designer should approach animations.
Talk #2
Goran Vrbanić Trtinjak, Senior UX/UI & Motion Designer with a Master’s Degree in Information technologies. Working in Q. He talked about complex problems and turning them into simple and intuitive designs.
“Every designer should be a storyteller. Deliver a memorable user experience by improving static user interfaces. Don’t use words to explain, simply show.”
Talk #3
Krispin Stock, Freelance and Senior UX designer at Martian & Machine. With an education background heavily in art, Krispin went from classical design through marketing to land in digital design and UX specifically. He firmly believes that design and business decisions should be based on measurable data, research, and test results rather than the gut feeling or artistic ego of anyone including himself.
Krispin is our novelty breaker, he made us think hard about what seniority actually means. With a few stories of his own, alongside his fellow speakers, we heard about the various sides of the mythical word “senior”.

And of course, after the talks and rales, we went to hang out on to a cozy terrace stocked with refreshments and snacks.
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