September 18, 2023 - 7 min

How Can AI Boost Brand Design?


Marijana Smolic

UI/UX Designer

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been at the forefront of transforming various industries, and the world of branding and visual identity is no exception. In this blog, we will explore how artificial intelligence can help create a brand and visual identity.

The field of logo design has historically thrived on human ingenuity and artistry. Creating a visual identity for a brand often involves creativity and a deep understanding of human emotions and perceptions. However, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought a new dimension to the world of design.

While AI may not capture the unique essence of a brand on its own, I believe it can serve as a valuable aid to designers striving to create effective and consistent branding materials.

So how does artificial intelligence enter the world of logo design and what unique advantages does it offer?

Logo design is an interplay of simplicity, memorability, and relevance to the core of the brand. AI can be a good collaborator, offering a symphony of creative possibilities.

Design Assistance

AI-powered tools can provide design suggestions and generate logo concepts based on your brand name, industry, and preferences. These suggestions can serve as a starting point for your logo design. AI can draw inspiration from a vast database of design styles and trends, offering a wide variety of logo concepts.

This variety ensures that you have many creative starting points to choose from. It allows you to quickly explore multiple ideas, saving you time and effort in the initial phase of brainstorming and concept generation.

AI offers design suggestions without personal biases or subjective preferences. It relies on data and analysis to make suggestions to help make more objective design decisions.

Names of the imaginary salons

I found the names of the imaginary salons on The name “Chic” was chosen as the primary name of the salon, and the name “Cosmetic Heaven” as the headline. I could have asked more but I decided on one.

After ChatGPT gave me name suggestions for my salon, I chose Leonardo ai. to begin with, to explore the visual solutions offered to me as inspiration.

Chic logo inspiration results

Chic logo inspiration results on

Choosing a color palette

When it comes to enhancing your brand, leveraging the power of AI can involve analyzing your brand’s characteristics and suggesting color palettes that align with your identity and resonate with your target audience. It ensures a choice of colors that conveys the right emotions and messages. It can analyze the psychological and emotional associations of different colors, helping you choose colors that evoke the desired emotions in your audience. For example, warm colors like red or orange can convey energy and passion, while cool colors like blue or green can evoke calmness and confidence. If you already have existing colors, AI maintains the harmony of the selected colors with your existing brand identity. It considers your brand’s primary colors and maintains consistency across all branding materials.

It also may take cultural considerations into account to point you to cultural differences in color symbolism, ensuring that your chosen colors are appropriate and resonate positively with a diverse global audience.

AI takes color contrast and accessibility standards into account, ensuring your chosen colors meet accessibility requirements for web and print materials. This is especially important for reaching a wider audience, including those with visual impairments. It can suggest complementary color palettes that create harmony and balance in your logo design.

Generated colors of the fictional brand Chic

Generated colors of the fictional brand Chic via

Font selection

When selecting a font that reflects your brand’s tone and personality, AI comes into play by considering factors such as legibility, aesthetics, and brand consistency to recommend suitable options. It considers the tone and personality of your brand when suggesting fonts, as well as font legibility, ensuring that the selected font is easy to read, especially in different sizes. This is crucial for maintaining readability in various applications.

It can also help you with font aesthetics, taking into account factors such as kerning, character spacing, and overall visual appeal. This ensures that the font complements the overall design. It can suggest fonts that work well in both digital and print media, providing versatility in logo usage.

Style recommendations

By delving into your brand positioning, AI can provide insights and recommend design styles that align seamlessly with your core values. Whether you’re aiming for a minimalist, vintage, or modern look, AI can provide guidance. It can analyze your brand’s positioning, values, and mission to suggest design styles that closely align with your brand identity. This ensures that the visual elements of your logo match your core message.

It can provide guidance on choosing a design style that not only reflects your brand but also works well across different apps and platforms.

The AI evaluates the aesthetic appeal of different design styles. It considers factors such as balance, proportion, and visual harmony to suggest styles that are visually pleasing. AI can recommend design styles that are known to effectively engage your target audience. For example, if your audience prefers a modern and clean look, AI can suggest minimalist design styles.

It can offer suggestions for design styles that have a timeless quality, ensuring your logo remains relevant and effective for years to come. AI can introduce you to innovative design styles that push creative boundaries while aligning with your brand identity. This can help your logo stay fresh and innovative.


AI-generated logos are usually vector-based, making them easily scalable without losing quality. This ensures that your logo looks great on different platforms and sizes.


Maintaining visual consistency across all branding materials is made possible with the assistance of AI. It ensures that your logo’s colors, fonts, and design elements align seamlessly with those found in other marketing collateral. AI-driven design tools can generate design elements that are consistent with your logo. For example, if your logo has a certain geometric shape, AI can help create complementary design elements that incorporate the same shape, promoting visual harmony.

It can generate branding templates for various materials, such as business cards, letterheads, social media banners, and more. These templates ensure that your brand’s visual identity is applied consistently across different communication channels. It can automate the process of applying brand elements to different materials, reducing the risk of human error and ensuring that branding guidelines are consistently followed.

As your brand expands across different digital and print platforms, AI can seamlessly adjust branding elements, ensuring they look their best in each medium while maintaining a cohesive visual identity. For brands with a global reach, AI can help adapt branding materials to suit different cultural and linguistic requirements, ensuring that the core brand identity remains intact.

It can be useful for creating overarching brand guidelines that outline how the logo, colors, fonts, and design elements should be used consistently. This helps internal and external stakeholders adhere to the brand’s visual standards.

An AI-created logo for the fictional beauty salon Chic. Artificial intelligence found the name of the salon, and the subtitle and proposed various variants of the logo

An AI-created logo for the fictional beauty salon Chic. Artificial intelligence found the name of the salon, and the subtitle and proposed various variants of the logo

Speed and cost-effectiveness

Logo design using artificial intelligence can save time and money compared to traditional design processes. It can quickly generate multiple logo concepts, allowing you to efficiently explore different options.

Market research

By analyzing your industry and competitor logos, AI can pinpoint design trends and distinctive elements to set your logo apart. It can help identify unique design elements or visual aspects that are underutilized or missing in your industry. This information can guide you in creating a logo that stands out and positions your brand in a unique way.

It can analyze symbols and icons used in logos in your industry, as well as help you avoid overused symbols and discover new visual elements that resonate with your brand’s mission and values.

AI can collect and analyze user feedback and preferences regarding logos in your industry. This user-centric data helps you understand what your target audience finds interesting and engaging. With market research insights, you can create a logo that strategically positions your brand to gain a competitive edge. This may include highlighting unique selling points or addressing pain points identified in the market. AI can support an iterative design process based on market feedback. It allows you to refine your logo to align with market preferences and trends, increasing its effectiveness over time.

Feedback and Data Analysis

Collecting user feedback and logo performance data can be accomplished through AI tools. This data can inform iterative design improvements. AI tools can collect user feedback through surveys, online reviews, and social media comments. It can analyze the sentiment of user feedback, determining whether the response is positive, negative, or neutral. This helps you gauge the overall feel of your logo design.

By analyzing feedback, AI can determine specific aspects of your logo that resonate with users and those that may need improvement. It helps you understand which logo elements connect with your audience. It can track key performance metrics related to your logo, such as social media engagement rates, logo ad click-through rates, and conversion rates on your website. These metrics show the impact your logo has on your audience.

AI-driven A/B testing lets you experiment with different logo variations and gather data on which design elements perform best. This data-driven approach helps you improve your logo over time. Based on user feedback and performance data, AI can guide you in incremental design improvements.

Data-driven decisions

Turning data into actionable insights for informed design decisions is a task that can be accomplished by artificial intelligence. This data-driven approach reduces guesswork and ensures design changes are strategic.

Logo design is an ongoing process. Data analysis using artificial intelligence ensures that your logo remains effective by constantly adapting to changing audience preferences and market dynamics.

Final Reflections and Takeaways

AI is a valuable assistant to designers, enhancing their creative capabilities and streamlining their workflow. However, it is important to emphasize that AI is here to complement and support designers, not to replace them. Designers bring unique creativity, intuition, and a deep understanding of human emotions and culture to their work.

AI can assist by automating repetitive tasks, generating design suggestions, and providing data-driven insights, but it is the human touch that ultimately breathes life and meaning into design. The collaboration between AI and designers is a powerful synergy that empowers designers to reach new heights in their creative endeavors while maintaining their irreplaceable role in the creative process.

After all, it is humans who came up with artificial intelligence, not artificial intelligence humans.

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Marijana Smolic

UI/UX Designer

Experienced designer who likes to create new brands, visual identities and also various digital interfaces. A big fan of art, graphic design, and world design in general. Marijana is also interested in animation and everything related to photography. In her free time, she likes hiking, spending time in nature, and baking cakes.